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Displaying 1 - 25 of 29 articles.

Innovative Technology Aims to Boost Black-Footed Ferret Recovery Efforts
Tiny tracking devices are being used by researchers to monitor the behavior and movements of black-footed ferrets that were reintroduced into the wild.

Black-footed Ferret Update: How to Do a Health Check
The ferret kits at our breeding facility in Front Royal, Va., just passed their 90-day health check with flying colors.

Black-footed Ferret Kit Update: Wrestle, Eat, Sleep, Repeat
Each kit in the litter is currently gaining around 1% of its body weight per day. Watch them on our Black-footed Ferret Cam.

Black-Footed Ferrets Born at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute
Carnivore keepers at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute (NZCBI) in Front Royal, Virginia, welcomed a litter of endangered black-footed ferrets this week.

A Celebration of Life: 50 Years Under the Endangered Species Act
Smithsonian scientists discuss the impact of the first federal law designed to save endangered and imperiled animals from extinction.

Black-footed Ferret Kit Update: Six Reasons to Celebrate!
Find out what's next for Hickory's six kits, who were featured on the Black-footed Ferret Cam this summer.

Black-footed Ferret Kit Update: Vaxxed and Ready to Roll
Our newest litter of black-footed ferrets is growing up fast. Find out what it takes to care for two-month-old black-footed ferrets in this Q&A with biologist Adrienne Crosier.

Black-footed Ferret Kit Update: A Snack-tacular Milestone
Viewers of the black-footed ferret cam, take note: these tiny endangered babies have just passed one month old!

Watch Black-Footed Ferret Mom Hickory and Her New Kits on Public Webcam
Carnivore keepers at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute (NZCBI) in Front Royal, Virginia welcomed a litter of endangered black-footed ferrets last week. One-year-old female Hickory gave birth to six surviving kits May 27.

Small Enrichment, Big Difference: How to Care for Small Mammals
From smart shrews to clever coatis, every animal in Small Mammal House receives enrichment. Learn how the animal care team puts together puzzle feeders, sprinkles spices and comes up with creative elements that ensure animals keep physically active and mentally sharp.

A Fond, Ferret Farewell
Earlier this month, our black-footed ferrets slated for breeding centers and wild release departed Smithsonian’s Conservation Biology Institute. This included Black-footed Ferret Webcam stars Potpie and her three kits. Read on to find out where Aster, Aspen and Swifty ended up!

How to Care for Black-footed Ferrets
September 26 marks 40 years since black-footed ferrets were re-discovered in the wild, kick-starting today’s breeding and reintroduction program. Find out what it takes to care for Zoo Guardians' September Animal of the Month and Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute’s black-footed ferrets from...

New Destinations Ahead for the Ferrets
Each August, the Black-footed Ferret Species Survival Plan assesses the entire black-footed ferret population in human care and determines where the ferrets should go next: to the wild or a breeding center! Read on to get Aspen, Swifty and Aster's full three month update and find out which path the...

Black-Footed Ferret Kits Receive Names at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute
After over 6,700 votes cast, the three black-footed ferret kits at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute in Front Royal, Virginia have received their names.

The Ferret Kits Receive Their Names
The black-footed ferret kits' receive their names, their two-month exams and some fun enrichment! Get the full ferret family scoop from Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute biologist Adrienne Crosier.

Public Invited To Name Black-Footed Ferret Kits at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute
The Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute invites the public to help name three black-footed ferret kits—one female and two males—born May 19 at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute (SCBI) in Front Royal, Virginia. Voting for the names starts Tuesday, July 20, at 10...

Play, Hunt, Sleep, Repeat: A New View on the Ferret Kits
Potpie's three kits are more active and playful! Catch them running through their full enclosure outside the den on a brand-new webcam and keep an eye out for their progress on learning to hunt.

Ferret Kits Look ‘Fur’-tastic at One Month Old
Potpie's three kits turned 1 month old on Saturday, June 19. This birthday is marked by their darkening fur, including the distinctive dark-furred feet and mask! Read on for the full update on our black-footed ferret kits.

Farewell, Black-Footed Ferret Kits!
We hope that you have enjoyed watching black-footed ferret Potpie and her kits on the Black-footed Ferret Cam! Join us in celebrating the next chapter in their lives, contributing to their species’ survival.

Featured Creature: Black-Footed Ferrets
Celebrate the Fourth of July with one of America's most precious national treasures: the black-footed ferret! SCBI carnivore keeper Vicki Lake shares the story of mom Potpie and her six kits as they grow, play and prepare to help save their species from extinction.

Bringing the Zoo To You: June 2020
A family meal among prairie dogs, the soothing sounds of a cheetah’s purr and a Pride cake fit for a giant panda. As summer kicks off at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute, we’re sharing some moments from June that sparked joy.

Six Newborn Black-Footed Ferret Kits Can Be Viewed on New Webcam
Mother’s Day was extra special for carnivore keepers at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute (SCBI) in Front Royal, Virginia, who welcomed the year’s first litter of black-footed ferret kits Sunday. Two-year-old female Potpie gave birth throughout the morning May 10 to six kits. Staff are...

Welcome to the American Prairie Reserve
Conservation ecologist Andy Boyce lives on the American Prairie Reserve in Phillips County, Montana. It's rugged, it's wild and it's one of the only places left on Earth where scientists have the chance to preserve a complete prairie ecosystem.

What Do Black-footed Ferrets Sound Like? And Other Ferret Questions Answered
Find the answers to some of the most-searched questions about black-footed ferrets, North America’s only native ferret species!

Today Is Endangered Species Day
The Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute is dedicated to saving species. Every day, its scientists and partners undertake important conservation efforts to protect species and their habitats.