- Migratory Bird Center
- Education and Outreach
- School Programs
Migratory Bird Center School Programs
Bird Migration Explorer Launches
The Bird Migration Explorer, a state-of-the-art digital platform, allows users to see the most complete data collected on migratory species in their neighborhoods and where those birds go throughout the...
Texas Gulf Coast Schools Outreach
Students visit researchers in the field to learn firsthand about bird migration, science and Gulf Coast ecosystems.
GMU-SI Bird Course

The Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation is a partnership between George Mason University and the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute.
Led by the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center, this course teaches the most current methods in the research of migratory birds, including theoretical concepts, field and laboratory methods (e.g. mist-netting, banding, tissue sampling, stable isotope geochemistry, geolocators and radio telemetry), data analysis (including distance sampling and mark-recapture
UCSB-Smithsonian Scholars Program
The UCSB-Smithsonian Scholars Program is a collaboration between the University of California. Santa Barbara and the Smithsonian Institution.
Follow That Bird!
In this middle school science and technology unit, students investigate the latest bird tracking devices and explore tracking data collected by Smithsonian scientists to better understand and protect migratory birds.
Bridging the Americas / Unidos por las aves
Students in Maryland, Virginia and D.C. connect with students in Latin America through shared migratory birds.
Unidos por las Aves
Un programa intercultural de educación ambiental que vincula a clases de escuela primaria de los Estados Unidos con clases en Latinoamérica por medio del intercambio de dibujos, cartas y otros materiales centrados en las aves migratorias neotropicales.