Black-footed ferret News

Displaying 1 - 25 of 29

Photo of a wild black-footed ferret standing attentively at the mouth of a burrow.
January 28, 2025

Innovative Technology Aims to Boost Black-Footed Ferret Recovery Efforts

Three juvenile ferrets pile up near one of the plastic tubes in their enclosure.
August 16, 2024

Black-footed Ferret Update: How to Do a Health Check

A black-and-white cam image of a baby black-footed ferret in the foreground and five more ferrets in a cuddle puddle behind it.
June 24, 2024

Black-footed Ferret Kit Update: Wrestle, Eat, Sleep, Repeat

Photo of black-footed ferret with her newborn kits.
May 17, 2024

Black-Footed Ferrets Born at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

A small, gray and yellow-colored songbird perches on the branch of a coniferous tree.
December 21, 2023

A Celebration of Life: 50 Years Under the Endangered Species Act

Black-footed ferret pokes its head out of a hole in the ground.
September 26, 2023

Black-footed Ferret Kit Update: Six Reasons to Celebrate!

A black-footed ferret kit stretches out on some rocky substrate in its enclosure.
August 17, 2023

Black-footed Ferret Kit Update: Vaxxed and Ready to Roll

Closeup of a one-month-old baby black footed ferret. Its eyes are closed and it has pale fur.
July 05, 2023

Black-footed Ferret Kit Update: A Snack-tacular Milestone

Female black-footed ferret in a nest box nursing her kits.
June 02, 2023

Watch Black-Footed Ferret Mom Hickory and Her New Kits on Public Webcam

Male two-toed sloth, Vlad, hangs by all four feet from the top of his exhibit. His head is tilted toward keeper, Ann, who is standing below and to the right of Vlad. Ann has a piece of food in her right hand, which is raised up toward Vlad.
December 03, 2021

Small Enrichment, Big Difference: How to Care for Small Mammals

A black-footed ferret looks out a hole of its kennel during transportation. The front of the kennel has silver bars going vertically and horizontally, and is covered in a thick plastic with circular holes.
November 03, 2021

A Fond, Ferret Farewell

Animal keeper, Vicki Lake, sits on her knees inside a black-footed ferret enclosure. There is a blue storage bin on the left with a black-footed ferret poking it's head out of a make-shift hole, and a green bin on the right with another ferret looking out
September 03, 2021

How to Care for Black-footed Ferrets

A three-month-old, male black-footed ferret kit sticks his head, neck and front two paws out of a grey storage bin that acts as a den for the ferrets
August 25, 2021

New Destinations Ahead for the Ferrets

A keeper wearing a blue apron and blue, latex gloves holds three black-footed ferret kits in their hands. You cannot see the keepers' face. The kits eyes are not fully open yet, one has one eye open.
July 27, 2021

Black-Footed Ferret Kits Receive Names at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute

A black-footed ferret kit looks out an opening of it's plastic, pet carrier.
July 27, 2021

The Ferret Kits Receive Their Names

a black-footed ferret kit sits curled up in the gloved hand of a keeper
July 20, 2021

Public Invited To Name Black-Footed Ferret Kits at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute

Potpie's female black-footed ferret kit stands in a small clear, plastic bin placed on a silver scale. The scale reads the kits weight, 3140 grams.
July 13, 2021

Play, Hunt, Sleep, Repeat: A New View on the Ferret Kits

Potpie's three kits sleep together in a pile in their den. The photo is taken from a bird's eye view.
June 21, 2021

Ferret Kits Look ‘Fur’-tastic at One Month Old

A black-footed ferret mom and her six kits rest together in a small den on a bed of chipped paper
October 05, 2020

Farewell, Black-Footed Ferret Kits!

A black-footed ferret mom and her six kits rest together in a small den on a bed of chipped paper
July 02, 2020

Featured Creature: Black-Footed Ferrets

Giant panda Mei Xiang eats a "rainbow" cake in honor of Pride 2020 at the Smithsonian's National Zoo's Asia Trail habitat.
July 02, 2020

Bringing the Zoo To You: June 2020

Animal care staff at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute welcomed six black-footed ferret kits to 2-year-old mother Potpie May 10, 2020.
May 14, 2020

Six Newborn Black-Footed Ferret Kits Can Be Viewed on New Webcam

Grasslands of the American Prairie Reserve in Montana under a bright blue sky with a few whispy clouds on a sunny day
February 08, 2019

Welcome to the American Prairie Reserve

a black footed ferret sits on a rock
July 13, 2018

What Do Black-footed Ferrets Sound Like? And Other Ferret Questions Answered

scimitar-horned oryx laying in grass
May 18, 2018

Today Is Endangered Species Day