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Displaying 676 - 700 of 2346 articles.

Conserving the Last of Guam’s Avifauna: The Recovery of the Guam Rail
Walking through the forests of Guam the sound is arresting, because it’s silent. But the loud whistle of the Guam rail is returning to the forests of nearby islands, nearly 40 years after the bird was declared extinct in the wild,

Elephant Update: Shanthi Rings in the New Year
As the Smithsonian’s National Zoo rang in the new year, the elephant team celebrated another revolution around the sun for (now) 45-year-old female Asian elephant, Shanthi.

Andean Bear Update: A New Hope
An update from Andean bear keeper Sara Colandrea on the latest happenings with Billie Jean and Quito.

New at the Zoo: Crocodile Monitor
What’s that rustle in the trees behind Reptile Discovery Center? Look up, or you may miss the Zoo’s stealthy male crocodile monitor hiding among the branches. Get the scoop on this cool cold-blooded giant.

Featured Creature: Meet the Gibbons!
Swing into the new year with an animal that knows a thing or two about swinging: gibbons! Get to know Sydney, Ronnie and Bradley from primate keeper Carly Hornberger.

2019’s Conservation Stories Worth Celebrating (Part Two)
As 2019 comes to a close, we’re continuing to reflect on some of this year’s biggest conservation success stories.

2019’s Conservation Stories Worth Celebrating (Part One)
As the year winds down, we’re reflecting on some of our biggest conservation success stories of 2019.

Stopping Rabies in its Tracks: How Canine Vaccines are Saving Lives in Kenya
In October, Global Health Program veterinary fellows participated in the annual Laikipia Rabies Vaccination Campaign in Laikipia County, Kenya, which aims to eradicate (or completely eliminate) the virus from the region.

New Two-toed Sloth Arrives at Smithsonian’s National Zoo
The Small Mammal House has a new resident worth slowing down for: Athena, a 1½-year-old female two-toed sloth.

Making Sense of Animal Milks
As a research assistant for the nutrition laboratory, Jenna Pastel wears a snowsuit year-round. That’s because she spends a lot of time in a -20 degree Fahrenheit walk-in freezer located in the Zoo’s science building.

Guess That Milk Quiz
Are you a milk maven? Play "Guess That Milk" and try to match these milk samples with the animals they came from.

Elephant Update: Caring for Shanthi
An update on Asian elephant Shanthi's osteoarthritis.

Meet the Zoo’s New Kudu Calf
On Oct. 15, the Zoo welcomed a bouncing baby to its lesser kudu family! This past week, he joined his mom and brother on exhibit for the first time.

New at the Zoo: Emperor Tamarins
Meet Fleck and Poe, a pair of emperor tamarin brothers who recently made their debut in Amazonia’s rainforest habitat! Get to know these mischievous monkeys from animal keeper Denny Charlton.

Dec. 5: ZooLights Security Update
An update from Zoo director Steve Monfort regarding plans to implement additional security measures doing ZooLights.

Smithsonian Scientists Dry and Store Live Ovarian Tissues Above Freezing Temperatures for the First Time
Scientists at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute have preserved complex ovarian tissues in domestic cats above freezing temperatures by dehydrating them with the help of microwaves.

ZooLights Security Update
An update from Zoo Director Steve Monfort regarding ZooLights security.

A Conversation about Animal Cognition
In August, the Smithsonian's National Zoo's animal welfare and research manager Betsy Herrelko, Ph.D., moderated a panel at the 2019 Library of Congress National Book Festival.

Bei Bei Has Settled in at Bifengxia and the Panda Team is Back!
Bei Bei is settling in at his new home in China at the Bifengxia panda base. He did very well on the FedEx Panda Express and spent most of the 16-hour trip eating and sleeping.

Media Advisory | Flip the Switch: ZooLights, Powered by Pepco
Flip the switch event to officially open ZooLights, powered by Pepco, the annual free lights festival at Smithsonian’s National Zoo.

Giant Panda Bei Bei Departs Smithsonian’s National Zoo for China
Bei Bei the 4-year-old giant panda, began his journey to China on Nov. 19, 2019.

ZooLights, Powered by Pepco, Begins Nov. 29
ZooLights—powered by Pepco—is bigger, brighter and better than ever this season. Visitors can join the Smithsonian’s National Zoo in celebrating the holidays with its annual free lights festival. The Zoo will be illuminated for 31 nights—from Nov. 29 through Jan. 1, 2020 (except Dec. 24, 25 and 31)...

Media Advisory: Farewell Celebration for Giant Panda Bei Bei
“Bye Bye, Bei Bei” (BAY-BAY,) a series of online and on-site celebratory events to bid a fond farewell to giant panda Bei Bei before he departs for China.

Snapshot: Bei Bei in Pictures
Giant panda Bei Bei knows how to work his angles! Check out some of our favorite snaps of this remarkably photogenic bear from the past four years.