News Archive

Displaying 26 - 50 of 133 articles.

Veterinary technologist Alana Frum conducts photobiomodulation therapy treatment on a tamandua at the Small Mammal House
October 13, 2023

Celebrating National Veterinary Technician Week: 2023

large gray and white owl sitting on a post
October 13, 2023

4 Animals That Are Not as Creepy as You Think (And 4 That Are Creepier)

A large lizard, called a Komodo dragon, with a long tail, strong limbs and a long, forked tongue climbs out of murky water
October 12, 2023

Meet Our Komodo Dragon, Murphy

Closeup of a tiny cheetah cub looking into the camera. A keeper wearing blue gloves is supporting its body.
October 06, 2023

#CheetahCubdate: New Cubs, New Den

The entrance to the Smithsonian's National Zoo's Zoolights event with trees lit up in red, green, yellow and blue and a lit sign that says "Zoolights"
October 06, 2023

ZooLights Returns Nov. 24 to Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

Closeup of Tian Tian.
October 02, 2023

Some Amazing Friends

Photo of a vintage newspaper with a headline that reads "Collins Heads Panda Unit".
October 02, 2023

He Helped Create the First Panda Team

Photo of a smiling young man and woman dressed for winter weather standing next to a larger-than-life sized decorative panda with a Zoolights sign on its chest.
October 02, 2023

He Held My Hand

September 29, 2023

Operating Status Update

Black-footed ferret pokes its head out of a hole in the ground.
September 26, 2023

Black-footed Ferret Kit Update: Six Reasons to Celebrate!

Two pictures of Zoo visitor Andie H., pictured on the left as a child and on the right as an adult, with pandas behind her.
September 25, 2023

Such Incredible Memories

Giant pandas Ling-Ling and Hsing-Hsing touch noses. One of them is standing on a wooden platform and the other is climbing the steps of the platform
September 25, 2023

I Can Remember Every Detail

A plaque on a bench with the words "In loving memory of National Zoo volunteer Elaine A. Washburn from her friends and family."
September 25, 2023

A Piece of My Heart

Western lowland gorilla Zahra
September 22, 2023

#GorillaStory: Zahra Goes for a Ride

Cheetah mother Echo with five cubs born Sept. 12, 2023
September 21, 2023

Litter of Five Cheetah Cubs Are Born at Front Royal Campus, Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

Giant panda Mei Xiang rests on a log in her outdoor habitat.
September 18, 2023

Media Advisory: Giant Pandas Celebrate Panda Palooza Beginning September 23

Photo of Otis, a young kunekune pig. Otis is a small, light brown colored pig.
September 12, 2023

New at the Zoo: Kunekune Pigs!

Orangutan Redd lounges in the Think Tank habitat. He is laying on this stomach and looking at the viewer.
September 12, 2023

#OrangutanStory: Happy 7th Birthday, Redd!

A porcupine with an overlaid Halloween-style pig mask appears next to the words "Boo at the Zoo".
September 11, 2023

Boo at the Zoo Returns Oct. 20, 21 and 22

Three cartoon pandas, representing Tian Tian, Mei Xiang and Xiao Qi Ji, are perched in a tree eating bamboo. The words Panda Palooza: A Giant Farewell appear next to the image.
September 06, 2023

Smithsonian’s National Zoo Hosts Panda Palooza: A Giant Farewell, Sept. 23 to Oct. 1

Photo of Virginia Opossum Basil resting in his exhibit. He is snuggled into a fleece blanket, inside a log.
September 02, 2023

New at the Zoo: Basil the Virginia Opossum

Tian Tian and Mei Xiang walk towards the camera with their mouths open.
September 01, 2023

The Official Super Ultimate Giant Panda Fan Quiz

A 3-month-old baby gorilla looks into the camera while being held in her mother's arms.
September 01, 2023

#GorillaStory: Zahra Wiggles and Tries Her Best

August 29, 2023

Zoo Evacuation Aug. 29

A sand cat lunges on a tree branch with rocky detailing behind it.
August 28, 2023

Can Sand Cats Survive Without Water? And Other Questions, Answered