News Archive

Displaying 51 - 75 of 187 articles.

1.5-year-old western lowland gorilla Moke sits in the Great Ape House yard atop a rock.
September 20, 2019

#GorillaStory: World Gorilla Day

September 19, 2019

New Study Finds U.S. and Canada Have Lost More Than One in Four Birds in the Past 50 Years

A female black-throated blue warbler with color bands, the unique color band combination allows scientists to recognize individual birds in the field.
September 19, 2019

A Season of the (Warbler) Blues: An Update from the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest

A Persian onager foal (left) and its mom (right) bend their heads to eat grass.
September 18, 2019

Our Partners in Onager Conservation

Profile of dama gazelle Zafirah at the Cheetah Conservation Station.
September 16, 2019

Dama Gazelle Dies at Smithsonian’s National Zoo

Zoo entrance with icon banners.
September 12, 2019

Zoo Neighborhood Council Meeting: Sept. 4, 2019

Orangutan Redd, who turned 3 years old Sept. 12, 2019, swings on a rope at Think Tank.
September 12, 2019

#OrangutanStory: Happy 3rd Birthday, Redd!

September 11, 2019

Giant Panda Mei Xiang Is Not Pregnant

September 10, 2019

First Ever Clouded Leopard Cubs Debut at the Smithsonian's National Zoo

September 09, 2019

Clouded Leopard Cub Media Preview

scimitar-horned oryx laying in grass
September 06, 2019

Goats and Gazelles and Oryx, Oh My! How Wildlife Veterinarians Treat (Almost) All Species

An American tree sparrow eating seeds from native, warm-season grasses in Virginia
September 06, 2019

Not All Birds Fly South for the Winter

Orangutans in Borneo
September 06, 2019

Primate Diary: Observing Orangutans in the Wild

Hereford calf Willow at the Kids' Farm.
September 06, 2019

New at the Zoo: Meet Hereford Calf Willow!

August 30, 2019

Fall 2019 Events at Smithsonian’s National Zoo

A female Persian onager, a tan colored wild ass, walking in a hilly field.
August 23, 2019

The Particulars of Onager Pregnancy

August 22, 2019

Sea Lion Dies at Smithsonian’s National Zoo

August 22, 2019

Giant Panda Bei Bei Celebrates His Fourth Birthday at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo

Giant panda Bei Bei sitting in his hammock.
August 20, 2019

Bei Bei’s Fourth Birthday Celebration

Bei Bei resting on a limb of a tree.
August 20, 2019

Bei Bei is Turning Four!

A sea lion pup behind-the-scenes at American Trail.
August 19, 2019

Sea Lion Pupdate: August 2019

American alligator in the grass
August 16, 2019

11 Funny Animal Jokes for Kids (and Kids at Heart)

August 15, 2019

Juvenile Dama Gazelle Dies at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo

August 15, 2019

Hereford Calf Debuts at Smithsonian’s National Zoo

A camera trap photo of a hoofed animal (called a pronghorn) with thick fur, big ears and large, flattened antlers walking across the wide-open grasslands of the American prairie
August 12, 2019

Studying Animals in Extreme Landscapes