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Displaying 51 - 75 of 211 articles.

#GorillaStory: School Starts for Moke
Western lowland gorilla Moke celebrated his mom's birthday and is learning through play, says primate keeper Melba Brown.

Seven Cheetah Cubs Are Healthy and Growing
The Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute's seven cubs are thriving! They received a clean bill of health at their first veterinary exam.
Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute Open to the Public for Conservation Discovery Day
The Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute in Front Royal, Virginia, will host a day of science-filled activities for college and high school-aged students Saturday, Oct. 6, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Searching for Animals in the Peruvian Amazon
Smithsonian researchers are busy in the Peruvian Amazon monitoring wildlife around areas where pipelines, roads and other infrastructure may be built.

Zoos and Aquariums Take Migratory Birds Under Their Wings
Migratory bird conservation is taking flight at zoos and aquariums, according to a new paper published in Zoo Biology. The study outlines the role that Association of Zoos and Aquariums-accredited institutions are currently playing or could play in the conservation and management of native songbirds...
Smithsonian and Partners Map Extensive Transnational and High-Seas Travels of Migratory Marine Animals
Nearly 50 percent of the planet is covered by the high seas, referred to as the “Wild West” of the ocean and among the least protected areas in the world. In September, the United Nations will convene to discuss the management of the high seas beyond national jurisdiction and opportunities for...

#GorillaStory: Moke Tug-of-War
Follow Primate Keeper Melba Brown's latest #GorillaStory update on 20-week-old western lowland gorilla Moke!

The Nuances of Orangutan Nests
As the Smithsonian’s National Zoo’s great apes prepare to go to sleep, they make their beds, then settle in. Just like their wild counterparts, orangutans in zoos build cozy nests.

Helping Pangolins in Peril
Global Health Program veterinarian Dr. Marc Valitutto traveled to the Save Vietnam’s Wildlife center in Cuc Phuong National Park, where hundreds of confiscated pangolins are received each year for rehabilitation and hopeful reintroduction back into the wild.

A Day in the Life of Virginia Working Landscapes
Follow a day in the life of Virginia Working Landscapes scientists.

New at the Zoo: Andean Bear Beorn
During your next visit to the Smithsonian’s National Zoo, look up—there may be a bear in the treetops! Beorn, a 1-year-old Andean bear, joined our Zoo family this summer.

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Naked Mole-rats
If you think a blind, nearly hairless rodent that lives underground can’t get much stranger, then buckle up. There’s a lot more to these weird (and wonderful) rodents than meets the eye!
Nudist Colony Opening at Smithsonian’s National Zoo
A new naked mole-rat exhibit featuring a colony of 17 of the “nude” rodents at the Small Mammal House will open Sept 1.

#GorillaStory: Moke in the Middle
Primate keeper Melba Brown says western lowland gorilla infant Moke's big (and often, humorous) personality is beginning to emerge.

It's Bison, Not Buffalo. And Other American Bison Facts
The iconic song of the American West, “Home on the Range,” got a key detail wrong — buffalo never roamed the region! But bison still do. Isn’t it time you learned why?
Smithsonian's National Zoo Celebrates Giant Panda Bei Bei's Third Birthday
Giant panda Bei Bei celebrated his third birthday Aug. 22 with a special ice cake.

Giant Panda Bei Bei Celebrates His Third Birthday
Bei Bei turned 3 years old today! In celebration of his big day, Bei Bei enjoyed an ice-cake, participated in an enrichment painting session and received a new panda-friendly enrichment toy.

Teaching Students Xenosurveillance Techniques in Kenya
Twenty undergraduate students from George Mason University joined the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute's Global Health Program in the field from July 31 to Aug. 13, 2018.

#GorillaStory: Hanging Around with Moke (and Redd)
In her latest update, primate keeper Melba Brown shares that 4-month-old Moke is embarking on a new era of discovery.
Two Indigo Buntings Hatch at Smithsonian’s National Zoo
Bird House keepers at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo are celebrating the hatching of two indigo bunting chicks—a first for the Zoo and the North American population in human care.
Endangered Przewalski’s Horse Colts Receive Names
A public vote decided the names of three endangered Przewalski’s (sha-VAL-ski) horse colts at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute (SCBI) in Front Royal, Virginia.

#GorillaStory: Who Knows This Nose?
At 4 months old, western lowland gorilla infant Moke is already solid on his footing and has started giving his mom, Calaya, some good exercise in chasing after him!
Elderly Aldabra Tortoise Dies at Smithsonian’s National Zoo
Reptile Discovery Center staff at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo are mourning the loss of Alex, an elderly male Aldabra tortoise who was humanely euthanized Aug. 7. At the time of his death, animal care staff estimated Alex to be about 100 years old.