Due to technical difficulties, we cannot process online payments. Free Entry Passes are still available and visitors may purchase Parking Passes at the Zoo (subject to availability).
Due to high demand, line access for the Giant Panda Habitat may close early. Arrive with time to spare for the best chance to see the bears.
When first described by scientists in 1830, this species was named the “Franklin's Rosy Gull” for its rose-colored breast and belly. However, for those of us familiar with the seagulls of the coast, this beautiful and delicate gull seems more aptly named the “Prairie Dove” as dubbed by the early...
From mid-June to late August thousands of birds foraging on brine shrimp and fly larvae dot the large saline and alkaline lakes of the West with whirling, spinning patterns. Many of these are Wilson's Phalaropes who along with their cousins, the Red-necked Phalaropes, congregate in flocks of up to...
At top speed, a needle-like bird beak, flared with chestnut and horns of gold and followed by bright black-and-yellow tiger stripes, hurtles towards its target. This is the view that many birds have of the beautiful but aggressive male Cape May Warbler as it chases all comers from a favorite tree...
The brown-headed cowbird ( Molothrus ater) is a brood parasite that lays its eggs in the nests of other birds. These "foster parents", called hosts, usually raise cowbird young at the expense of their own eggs or young.
Flight affords the utmost in mobility and has made possible the evolution of avian migration as a means of exploiting distant food resources and avoiding the physiological stress associated with cold weather.
Imagine. It is dark and you have been traveling at an altitude of 5,000 feet for eight hours over arid desert, crossing the Mexican border at midnight. You have been flying on your own two wings, fueled by body fat and guided by the celestial map of the constellations. The sun begins to rise, and...