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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 articles.

Claws and Paws Pathway Opens at Smithsonian’s National Zoo
Prowl the new Claws & Paws Pathway exhibit opening to the public Friday, May 27. Visitors will encounter a North American porcupine, bobcats and the Zoo’s newest residents — binturongs and Pallas’s cats.

A Day in the Life of a Great Cats Keeper
Training tigers to show their teeth and preening prickly porcupines is all in a day’s work for keeper Dell Guglielmo!
North American Porcupine Q&A
Eight-year-old North American male porcupine Quillby has had some difficulty moving around his exhibit lately. How do we determine what's ailing him? Teamwork! Zoo veterinarian Jessica Siegal-Willott and biologist Leigh Pitsko collaborated with colleagues at the Friendship Hospital for Animals to...
Sexing A Porcupine
Figuring out the sex of a porcupine can be a difficult task. They aren't always easy to handle, and when they are young they show no sexual dimorphism. But veterinarians, geneticists, and keepers at the Smithsonian's National Zoo have figured out a novel and easy way to determine the sex of...