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Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 articles.

Happy Amphibian Week 2024
This Amphibian Week, take a closer look at what makes these species so wonderfully weird and worthy of our attention.

From Tadpoles to Toadlets: Meet Our Panamanian Golden Frog Hatchlings
An unseasonably strong storm in fall 2022 stirred up some romance between two Panamanian golden frogs. Now, Reptile Discovery Center keepers are caring for more than 400 of the couple’s golden-hued hatchlings!

Happy Amphibian Awareness Week 2023
'Hoppy' Amphibian Awareness Week! All week long, the Smithsonian's National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute will be sharing stories about amazing amphibians and the scientists working to save them from extinction.

Hoppy Amphibian Awareness Week!
'Hoppy' Amphibian Awareness Week! All week long, the Smithsonian's National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute will be sharing stories about amazing amphibians and the scientists working to save them from extinction.

Is a “Living Pharmacy” the Key to Curing Chytrid in Frogs?
For decades, scientists have wondered whether the key to saving frogs from the deadly chytrid fungus lies in their skin. Could they genetically modify bacteria found in the frogs’ mucus layer and boost its antifungal properties, in effect creating a “living pharmacy” on the frogs?

How to Care for Frogs
Leap into learning what it takes to care for some of the frogs found at Smithsonian’s National Zoo from Matt Evans, assistant curator of the Reptile Discovery Center.

Today Is Endangered Species Day
The Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute is dedicated to saving species. Every day, its scientists and partners undertake important conservation efforts to protect species and their habitats.

Smithsonian Scientists Release Frogs Wearing Mini Radio Transmitters Into Panamanian Wilderness
Ninety Limosa harlequin frogs bred in human care are braving the elements of the wild after Smithsonian scientists sent them out into the Panamanian rainforest as part of their first-ever release trial in May.
Science To The Rescue In The #Fightforfrogs
Nearly one-third of all amphibian species globally are at risk of going extinct. While the global amphibian crisis is the result of habitat loss, climate change and pollution, the deadly amphibian chytrid fungus plays a large role in the frogs' disappearances. In the fight for frogs, Smithsonian...
Panamanian Golden Frog Day
After more than five hard years of work and constituency-building, it felt like Panama was giving us a big warm hug. Once a year on August 14, an official holiday in Panama called Panamanian Golden Frog Day, our staff come together to help coordinate a week-long festival celebrating Panama’s...
National Zoo And Partners First To Breed Critically Endangered Tree Frog
As frogs around the world continue to disappear—many killed by a rapidly spreading disease called chytridiomycosis, which attacks the skin cells of amphibians—one critically endangered species has received an encouraging boost. The La Loma tree frog, Hyloscirtus colymba, is notoriously difficult to...