Due to technical difficulties, we cannot process online payments. Free Entry Passes are still available and visitors may purchase Parking Passes at the Zoo (subject to availability).
Due to high demand, line access for the Giant Panda Habitat may close early. Arrive with time to spare for the best chance to see the bears.
Starting July 2, gray seal pup Rona will be on exhibit! Read about her progress in the latest keeper update from Chelsea Grubb. As Rona grows, are you seeing her personality develop? Rona is a really amazing animal, and we are so lucky to be able to watch her develop physically, socially and...
This Update Was Written By American Trail Keeper Chelsea Grubb. Where is the seal pup? Our seal pup has an entire holding pool to herself behind-the-scenes of American trail! She is neighbors with her mom (Kara), grandmother (Selkie), and aunt (Kjya). Although they are separated from the pup by a...
Our seal pup is growing by leaps and bounds! She has weaned herself from tube feedings and nursing and is now eating fish. Keepers feed her about 8 pounds of fish each day now. She also has been separated from her mom Kara, which is normal. In the wild seal pups only spend a few weeks with their...
After a tough start, our new seal pup appears to be thriving and rapidly gaining weight! She now weighs 60 pounds; that's almost double her birth weight. Gray seals generally nurse from their mothers for about 15 to 20 days. Our team of keepers and veterinarians continue to supplement nursing with...
Animal keepers at the National Zoo have been hand feeding a female gray seal pup, born January 21, 2014, at 10:21 p.m., in the holding area of the seal exhibit on American Trail. Zoo keepers, veterinarians and nutritionists have been closely monitoring the pup and her mother, Kara. Within 48 hours...