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Displaying 1 - 15 of 15 articles.

See How the Pandas (And Other Animals) Enjoyed a Chilly Snow Day
Several inches of snowfall kept the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute closed to visitors, but the animals and their caretakers still had a good time!

How the Zoo Cares for Animals With Impairments
Every Zoo animal receives special care, but some need a little extra support to keep them healthy and active.

New at the Zoo: Meet Nick the California Sea Lion
The American Trail welcomes California sea lion Nick to the herd, as he makes his splashy debut!

New at the Zoo: Meet Sea Lion Ronin
Earlier this spring, a curious and playful pinniped splashed down on American Trail. Meet Ronin, our 1-year-old sea lion, who has charmed keepers and visitors alike since her debut in April!

How Do You Give Medicine to Zoo Animals?
From salamanders to siamangs, prairie dogs to pandas, and everything in between, all Zoo animals receive veterinary care. Often, that means an animal needs to take medicine. Find out how keepers and veterinarians administer medicine in this update.

Meet the New Kids on the Block at American Trail
There are two new (adorable) kids on the block at American Trail! The team welcomed California sea lion pup Charger and North American beaver Poplar to their new homes at Smithsonian’s National Zoo this past summer.

Sea Lion Pupdate: August 2019
Our sea lion pup is making a splash behind the scenes at American Trail! Get the latest 'pupdate' from animal keeper Sam Milne.

The Zoopendous Summer Interns’ Guide to D.C.
Make the most of your time out of the office with a visit to the Smithsonian’s National Zoo!
Sea Lion Pup Born at Smithsonian’s National Zoo
A new set of flippers splashed down at Smithsonian’s National Zoo, where American Trail keepers are celebrating the arrival of a California sea lion pup. Animal care staff are closely monitoring the pup—born June 23—in an off-exhibit area.

Summer 2019 Guide to Beating the Heat at the Zoo
Visitors to Washington, D.C., can expect warm weather and humidity this season. But not to worry — we’ve rounded up a few of the best ways to beat the heat at the Zoo this summer.

Dare to Compare: What’s the Difference Between Sea Lions and Seals?
From whiskers to flippers and a penchant for fish, seals and sea lions have a lot in common. So how can you tell these pinnipeds apart?

A Day in the Life of an American Trail Keeper
A stroll down American Trail brings visitors face-to-face with swimming sea lions, busy beavers and resourceful ravens. What visitors may not see are the dedicated keepers working hard behind the scenes preparing diets, training animals and cleaning habitats. Get a glimpse into a day in the life of...

A PUPdate on Sea Lion Catalina and Gray Seal Birdie
The youngest members of American Trail’s pinniped family have made quite the splash this summer. In June, sea lion Catalina celebrated her first birthday. Meanwhile, 7-month-old gray seal Birdie is mastering some important training behaviors.
Sea Lion Pup Debuts at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo
Visitors to the Smithsonian’s National Zoo can view 2-month-old female sea lion Catalina making a splash on American Trail. Born June 26, Catalina is the first sea lion pup born at the Zoo in 32 years. Since Aug. 22, she has been slowly acclimating to the exhibit and exploring alongside 11-year-old...
Sea Lion Pup Born at the National Zoo
For the first time in 32 years, the Smithsonian's National Zoo's American Trail team celebrated the arrival of a sea lion pup, born June 26 to 11-year-old mother Calli. Keepers watched the birth in an off-exhibit area and continue to closely monitor the pup, which appears to be nursing, moving and...