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Sloth Bears Updates Dec 19, 2013
Hank is a year old today! Hank now weighs about 125 pounds. His favorite foods are butternut squash, peanut butter, and grapes. Hank and Hana share the same birthday so we will have a special birthday party to celebrate both bears. We have ordered some special treats for their birthday and will...
Sloth Bears Updates Dec 15, 2013
Hank is not only a daring adventurer, he's also a budding musician! This section of fire hose makes a great sound—like a tuba—and is one of his favorite toys. You can help keep all the animals at the Zoo busy with toys and other enrichment by donating to the Enrichment Giving Tree. sloth bear...
Sloth Bears Updates Sep 19, 2013
Our energetic sloth bear cub Hank is nine months old today! He enjoys exploring on his own and testing the limits with Hana and his keepers, but he's not yet fully independent from mom.The duo continues to have long play sessions, followed by naps. Hank now weighs in at around 90 pounds, so even...
Sloth Bears Updates Jul 23, 2013
Hank has been very active in the yard despite the heat. It's not unusual to see him running all over the yard, climbing every tree, and then playing in the pool. After about an hour or two running around the yard in the morning he and Hana normally settle down for a nap in the shade of the doorway...
Sloth Bears Updates Jul 02, 2013
Hank is doing really well in the exhibit. He has explored a lot of it, but not yet all of it. The exhibit is gigantic, especially compared to a 6-month-old sloth bear. He explores a little more of the exhibit each day. He put his feet in the pool several days ago, and he's already figured out how to...
Sloth Bears Updates Jun 20, 2013
The daring and adventurous sloth bear cub, Hank, made his public debut at the Smithsonian's National Zoo today. He is the first sloth bear born at the Zoo in seven years. Born December 19, 2012, Hank and his mother Hana have spent the past six months in a den near the Asia Trail exhibit. Now that he...
Sloth Bears Updates May 03, 2013
In a poll conducted on the Zoo's Facebook page, 830 fans elected to name the cub Hank, a moniker that combines the cubs' parents' names, Hana and Francois. "Hank" proved to be more popular than "Ravi" or "Bandar," which received 615 and 219 votes, respectively. It's important for Hank to know his...
Sloth Bears Updates Apr 04, 2013
Our 15 week-old sloth bear cub had a check up yesterday, and he received a clean bill of health! Veterinarians examined his eyes, mouth and nose; they listened to his heart and lungs; and they checked his limbs and feet. He also received his first vaccinations. As a treat for cooperating for the...
Sloth Bears Updates Mar 26, 2013
Asia Trail curator and keeper staff have determined the sex of our 3-month-old sloth bear cub: it's a boy! Keepers report that the cub is quite daring and adventurous; he will balance himself atop wobbly enrichment toys (such as logs and boomer balls) and has recently taken to climbing the mesh in...
Sloth Bears Updates Feb 12, 2013
We're so glad you're enjoying watching our bear cub cams, both Andean and sloth! We're thrilled to be able to share this experience with you. Very few people have ever gotten to observe maternal behavior and cub development in these early weeks and months in the den, so this experience is as...
Sloth Bears Updates Feb 10, 2013
It's clear from watching the Sloth Bear Cam that this little cub has a lot of personality—just like Hana! It's not unusual to see the two playing: she will roll on her back and hug the cub, paw at him/her, and exhibit a "play face" (her mouth is open and her lower lip is loose rather than taut). At...
Sloth Bears Updates Jan 30, 2013
Hana and the cub continue to do well! Keepers are seeing the cub sit up more but it still hasn't tried to climb onto Hana's back. Hana leaves the den more frequently and eats small snacks on a daily basis, but she still spends the majority of her time in the den with the cub. We occasionally see...
Sloth Bears Updates Jan 19, 2013
Time flies: Our sloth bear cub is one month old today! Hana continues to be very attentive to him or her, and keepers are still monitoring the pair closely through their closed-circuit cam. Because the cub's dark hair is growing quickly, it's getting tougher to spot. (If it turns just so, the white...