Due to technical difficulties, we cannot process online payments. Free Entry Passes are still available and visitors may purchase Parking Passes at the Zoo (subject to availability).
Due to high demand, line access for the Giant Panda Habitat may close early. Arrive with time to spare for the best chance to see the bears.
Video Visitors seeking to inject a jolt of fun into their trip to the Smithsonian’s National Zoo need look no further than Amazonia’s Electric Fishes Demonstration Lab! The exhibit, which opened Oct. 6, features six species of fish that emit powerful charges, pulses and waves in order to navigate...
The Amazonia Exhibit at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo is buzzing with a current from a brand-new Electric Fishes Demonstration Lab, opening Oct. 6 at 10 a.m. The multisensory lab is home to a 5-foot-long electric eel, capable of generating up to 800 volts of electricity, four black ghost knifefish...