Pronatur SAC (AGPE Pueblo Libre, AGPE Amazonas, AGPE Mamahuaca)
PeruHectares of Bird Friendly Habitat:
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Pronatur SAC (AGPE Pueblo Libre, AGPE Amazonas, AGPE Mamahuaca)
Prol. Av. Grau S/N, Carretera Baños Termale
San Martín
About the Farm
Pronatur SAC (AGPE Pueblo Libre, AGPE Amazonas, AGPE Mamahuaca) is located in the Northern San Martín province of Peru, an area located in the biodiverse upper Peruvian Amazon rainforest. Through the promotion of sustainable agriculture, their program focuses on ecological sustainability and supporting producers who strive to work in harmony with the natural environment. Initially founded in 1998, they joined the Bird Friendly program in 2002.
Featured Bird

Featured bird on the finca: Swainson's Thrush
Feathered fact: Migratory species, overwintering in South America. Rarely seen in the United States after October.
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