Cooperativa Agraria Cafetalera Jose Olaya
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Contact: | 51 984897849
Cooperativa Agraria Cafetalera Jose Olaya
Av. Jose Olaya s/n Quellouno
About the Farm
Cooperativa Agraria Cafetalera Jose Olaya is dedicated to the production and promotion of its cooperative members’ coffee, operating based on organic, ecological standards and criteria. They are based in the department of Cusco, famous for its Incan Empire capital which is now a designated UNESCO World Heritage site. First started in 1966, CAC Jose Olaya has been Bird Friendly certified since 2009.
Featured Bird

Featured bird on the finca: Eastern Wood-Pewee
Feathered fact: Long distance North American migratory species, overwintering in South America. One of the last spring migrants to return.
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