Latest Cheetah Cub News

News related to "Cheetah"

Displaying 1 - 25 of 102
Two surgeons operate on a cheetah cub, who is mostly covered in a blue protective blanket.

Inside the Zoo: A Rare and Life-Preserving Cheetah Surgery

October 04, 2024
Den cam view of a mother cheetah and her five cubs looking outside of their den.

#CheetahCubdate: Farewell to Echo and Her Feisty Cubs!

April 08, 2024
Close shot of a three-month-old cheetah cub.

How Genomic Science Solved a Cheetah Paternity Mystery

January 30, 2024
Three cheetah cubs in a grassy field look at the camera. Part of their mom's leg and tail is visible in the frame.

#CheetahCubdate: Ready to Play and Excited for Treats

December 08, 2023
One of Echo's cubs is held by gloved animal care experts.

#CheetahCubdate: Brave Little Explorers

November 06, 2023
Closeup of a tiny cheetah cub looking into the camera. A keeper wearing blue gloves is supporting its body.

#CheetahCubdate: New Cubs, New Den

October 06, 2023
Cheetah mother Echo with five cubs born Sept. 12, 2023

Litter of Five Cheetah Cubs Are Born at Front Royal Campus, Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

September 21, 2023
Cheetahs investigate a bucket filled with ice.

#CheetahCubdate 9: An Ice Bucket Challenge

April 25, 2023
A photo of a male cheetah cub sitting in grass, looking toward the camera.

#CheetahCubdate 8: Get to Know the Cubs by Name

March 09, 2023
Cheetah Amani crouches over a metal tray with one of her 4-month-old cubs. Amani appears to be sniffing the side of the tray while the cub inspects a bloodsicle on the tray. Amani's other cub is to the right of the tray, eating a small piece of the treat

#CheetahCubdate 7: How to Enrich and Train Cheetahs

February 07, 2023
Cheetah mother Amani lays in the tall grass in her yard with her two male cubs. One cubs lays snuggled up next to her on the left and the other sits on the right. All three cheetahs look toward the camera.

#CheetahCubdate 6: New Year, New Food and the First Snow

January 17, 2023
Two 9-week-old male cheetah cubs sit in their den on hay. The cub on the right appears to be hissing at the camera.

#CheetahCubdate 5: A Jolly (Ball) Time

December 14, 2022
The darker-furred cheetah cub (1 month old) lays in a plastic blue bin. He is looking up with his mouth open, showing a few small teeth coming in.

#CheetahCubdate 3: Ready, Set, Play!

November 09, 2022
Two 3-week-old cheetah cubs cuddle next to each other next to some tall grasses in their yard. There is hay and grass laying over the dirt under them. One cub is laying parallel to the camera and the other is laying behind him, facing the camera.

#CheetahCubdate 2: Spotted in the Tall Grass

October 28, 2022
Two 5-day-old cheetah cubs lay in a den. The floor of the den is covered in den. The one cub is laying further back but has its mouth open toward its sibling and the camera. The other cub is facing the right, its mouth slightly open.

#CheetahCubdate 1: The First Squeak Peek

October 14, 2022
Momma cat with two itty bitty kitties in a straw-floored grotto

Cheetah Cubs Are Born at Front Royal Campus, Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

October 06, 2022
An infrared (black and white) image from a cheetah cub cam showing six cheetahs curled up and intertwined with each other in a small den

#CheetahCubdate 19: A Warm and Fuzzy Farewell

August 18, 2022
three cheetahs surround a "chew toy" made of woven recycled firehose

#CheetahCubdate 18: Cheetah Chew Toys

July 22, 2022
six cheetahs stand over a food bowl

#CheetahCubdate 17: The Breakfast Cubs

July 07, 2022
A 6-month-old cheetah cub lays in the grass with four black Kong toys spread out in the grass in front of them.

#CheetahCubdate 15: Playful Personalities

April 26, 2022
Female cheetah Rosalie lays on her side with her legs away from the camera but her head turned toward it. Her five cubs lay next to (behind) her. They are laying on grass, which is mostly light brown with some areas of green.

#CheetahCubdate 14: The Cubs Have Names!

February 23, 2022
Cheetah Rosalie walks through the snow with a cub trailing behind.

#CheetahCubdate 13: Cubs in the Snow

January 25, 2022
A cheetah mom with five cubs tucked in next to her. The text reads "Wishing you a wild and wonderful new year!"

#CheetahCubdate 12: Watch a Video of the Cubs’ Checkups

December 22, 2021
Giant panda cub Xiao Qi Ji upside-down in an outdoor hammock made of wood and recycled fire-hose

Watch: 10 Animal Videos That Topped Our List in 2021

December 20, 2021
A 7-week-old cheetah cub is held by a keeper wearing a light gray sweatshirt and neon yellow work gloves. A vet stands to the right of the cub and is listening to the cub's breathing with a stethoscope.

#CheetahCubdate 11: Decoding Cub Chatter and a Clean Bill of Health

December 03, 2021