
Dr. Princée is a population biologist with a broad experience of 35 years in nature conservation, ranging from analyzing multi-species bio-monitoring surveys in Central Africa and Madagascar, population viability assessment, and analysis of detailed demographic and genetic data on small populations of endangered species in zoos. 

His book, Exploring Studbooks for Wildlife Management and Conservation, in Springer’s series Topics in Biodiversity and Conservation, is an accumulation of his experience in developing and applying analyses on in-situ and ex-situ populations. He has in-depth knowledge and expertise in design and development of biological software and database systems, and in the use of analytical software, such as R, Distance and QGIS. 

In addition to technical and research expertise, Dr. Princée has an extensive background working with zoological gardens. He is former Senior Scientist and Deputy Director at the Dutch National Foundation for Research in Zoological Gardens; original member of Association of Zoos and Aquariums’ Small Population Management Advisory Group. Dr. Princée has managed the conservation NGO “Dutch Zoos Help” and supervised several of its projects in Africa. 

Sharing knowledge and expertise to positively impact nature conservation is an important drive of Dr. Princée. He has taught techniques of conservation at different levels, including to animal keepers in The Netherlands and Madagascar and an MSc curriculum for government and NGO employees at Phnom Pen State University (Cambodia).